The Second Trilogy
Here, Paula reviews an earlier period of her life when she was working as a croupier in a small, out-of-the-way casino in Las Vegas. When she meets Lachlan Jefferson for the first time, her reaction to him was reminiscent of Louisa's initial reaction to Charles Lyndhurst in the 19th century. Together, Paula and Lachlan attempt to trap a confidence trickster who has Lachlan in his sights as his next victim. Most of the action occurs in Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast, Australia. The result has fatal consequences.
AWAKENING TO AWARENESS brought with it a startling revelation for Paula. From the detached reality of the hospital while her body fought for survival, she discovered that she was facing a life-and-death decision. As the 21st century appeared, was she really being asked to decide if she wished to live longer - or, to choose to leave her physical body permanently?
The Second Trilogy and its companion: SUSPENSION - Between Two Realms -
explore life's spiritual aspect and question the firmly-held belief that we have but one life only to become perfect beings. Is the one-life-only story a fallacy?
Or, is there another secret and sacred truth that has been hidden for many centuries?
Perhaps, it is only the Spiritual Warrior who can unravel that secret and sacred truth?
Stella McMillan Seven-Book Series
